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Sooshi Mango – Off The Boat In Dubai at Coca-Cola Arena, Dubai (12th May)
Date & Time– 19:30 Fri 12 May 2023
Location- Coca-Cola Arena, Coca-Cola Arena – Dubai – United Arab Emirates
The popular comedy group, which consists of Joe Salanitri, Carlo Salanitri, and Andrew Manfre, is ready to perform in Dubai as part of their highly successful “OFF THE BOAT TOUR.” Because of Joe, Carlo, and Andrew’s realistic and great humor, Sooshi Mango’s popularity is on the rise and they have a permanent spot in Australians’ social media feeds.
The humor of Sooshi Mango cuts through all boundaries and cultures, and its content is incredibly liked by individuals of all ages. They are thrilled to be able to highlight their history as proud Italian-Australians.
So, don’t miss the opportunity to see one of Australia’s funniest and most adored comedy talents perform live on the stage of the Coca-Cola Arena.