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Mafroukeh Play’ at The Theatre – Mall of the Emirates (7th and 8th March 2023)
Date and Time- 7th and 8th March 2023, 8:30 PM (Doors Open- 8:00 PM)
Location- The Theatre- Mall of the Emirates
The struggles of a Lebanese woman following her divorce are the subject of the theatre piece “Mafroukeh” (in Arabic). It highlights her struggle to reconstruct her life and face new challenges while navigating a patriarchal society with outdated customs, gender norms, and other obstacles that prevent her from becoming the new person she wants to become. The legal, social, emotional, psychological, and economic repercussions that make her feel like a “lesser” citizen are depicted in the play. She is left feeling exhausted, ripped down, occasionally abused, and frequently used, hence the name “Mafroukeh*,” inferior both in front of the law and in people’s eyes.
For more info, visit @mafroukeh.play on Instagram
Other Info:
Age- 16+
Language- Arabic
Duration- 75 mins